Thursday, April 26, 2012

WEEKLY UPDATE: 4/22 to 4/28

1. Health Fairs: Sign ups for the health fairs on April 28th and 29th are now closed. Volunteers that have signed up for shifts, please make sure to come to your shift on time; ALSO, for people that volunteer for the last shift of the event, please make sure that you arrange for a ride to come pick you up earlier in the case that the event/shift ends earlier than planned. Thanks!

2. Summer Internships: Looking to get more involved with the American Red Cross over the summer? Apply to be a 2012 Summer Intern! More information regarding job positions and details are located on our Youth Services website. Applications are due Monday, April 30th, 2012.

3. Kits for Kids: For the schools or volunteers that are collecting items for the Kits for Kids Campaign, please contact Denise if you need us to pick up the items from your schools and transport them to the San Jose Office. Remember, items are due at the next Liaison Meeting on May 4, 2012.

4. Officer Elections/Club Start Up: If you are a current officer of your school club or are interested in creating a club at your school, please notify Denise ASAP regarding your new officers (their contact information: name, officer position, grade, email OR when you will be holding officer elections) or about starting up a club (and your officers' information also). We would like your new officers to attend one of the upcoming Liaison Meetings. FYI, there are still TWO more Liaison Meetings in the school year: May 4th and June 1st.

5. CPR Classes: Sign ups for the April 28th or May 20th classes are now closed. If you are interested in attending one of these classes, email Denise in order to be placed on the waitlist.

6. Leadership Development Center (LDC): Come join LDC 2012! The application for LDC is located on our website (and below!) and is due May 13th. More details about the event are located below. We highly encourage officers for the next school year and officers of newly created clubs to attend this conference.
What: The American Red Cross Bay Area Chapter’s Leadership Development Center (LDC) is a four-day overnight conference designed to build strong leaders and positive relationships among Red Cross Youth.
Who: All youth entering grades 9-12 who are interested in gaining leadership skills through volunteer work may apply. All LDC delegates must make a one- year commitment to Red Cross service.
When: LDC 2012 will be held June 25-28 at Santa Clara University. The deadline to apply for LDC 2012 is Sunday, May 13, 2012.
Where: LDC 2012 will be hosted on June 25-28 by Santa Clara University. For more information about Santa Clara University visit their website.
How to Apply: To apply, please complete our online LDC 2012 Delegate Application.

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